Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Central Minister took initiative to make a nodal agency to see the rehabilitation process of Tehri Dam oustees on people’s demand


A movement of people uprooted from their soil in Uttrakhand


Central Minister took initiative to make a nodal agency to see the rehabilitation process of Tehri Dam oustees on people’s demand

On May 30, 2002 six persons (Jagdamba Raturi, Rajendra Aswal, Shalendra Nautiyal Vimalbhai, Mahipal Singh, Laxmi Nodiyal) a delegation of Tehri Bhumidhar Visthapit Sangthan ( Tehri landowner ouster’s organisation) and Matu Sangthan met Central Power Minster Shri Suresh Prabhu. Citizen of Old Tehri town asked to leave town before 15th of June. Govt. of Uttranchal offer tin shades to the oustees who have no shelter. Oustees are demanding House Construction Assistance at least for two-room set.
In this critical situation on 18th May a delegation met Mr. N. D. Tiwari, Chief Minister of Uttranchal. He listens carefully and asked oustees to meet Mr. Prabhu, because money has to come from central power ministry, he gave an argument.
Delegation raised mainly question of HCA, corruption and lapses in rehabilitation work. He took serious step. He deputed a Deputy Sec. Mr. Rajeev Sharma as nodal agency between State and Central Govt. He issued an order for C.M.D. of Tehri Hydro Development Corporation and to state Govt. to send village vise expense of rehabilitation. He was very much keen to know why after spending so much money on Tehri Dam oustee’s rehabilitation, why people still complaining. He will take serious step if he sees any thing wrong.
He informed the delegation that he himself visits Central Finance Minister and ask money for Tehri oustees. He fulfills state Govt. demands now this is state Govt. responsibility to give rest of compensation to Tehri town oustees. As a quick step on Tehri town oustee’s problem, he talked with Mr. N.D. Tiwari. He said Mr. Rajeev would visit and watch the whole process and he himself always ready to meet Tehri Dam oustees.
Today on 31st May this delegation meets Mr. N.D. Tiwari in Dehradun. Mr. Tiwari assured he would give time to solve their problem after a week. He is very much busy with budget. From 3rd of June state assembly session is going to start. Mean while oustees should meet chairperson of the coordination committee Mr. Sajwan, (Irrigation Minister).
In Solidarity

प्रेस नोट

केन्द्रीय उर्जा मंत्रालय ने टिहरी बांध विस्थापितों के पुनर्वास कायों पर नजर रखने हेतु उपसचिव स्तर के एक अधिकारी को बतौर र्प्यवेक्षक नियुक्त किया है जून से पूर्व टिहरी षहर को खाली कराए जाने के प्रकरण पर टिहरी बांध के भूमिधर विस्ािापितों ने केन्द्रीय उर्जा मंत्री,प्रदेष के मुख्य मंत्री व टिहरी जल विकास निगम के अध्यक्ष और प्रबधक निदेषक से कल व आज वार्ता की ।

षहर के भूमिधर विस्थापितों व माटू संगठन एक प्रतिनिधि मण्डल ने कल देर सांय उर्जा मंत्री सुरेष प्रभु से उनके कार्यालय में वार्ता की । प्रतिनिधि ममण्डल की मांग पर श्री सुरेष प्रभू ने बांध विस्ािापितों के पुनर्वास कार्य में बजट के आवंटन व्यय तथा पुनर्वास प्रक्रिया पर नजर रखने हेतु मंत्रालय ने उपसचिव स्तर पर तैनात एक अधिकारी की बतौर र्प्यवेक्षक तत्काल नियुक्त कर दी । उक्त अधिकारी षीध्र ही टिहरी का दौरा कर उर्जा मेत्री को सीधे रिर्पोट प्रस्तुत करेंगे ।

प्रतिनिधि मंडल ने 15 जून से पूर्व टिहरी को खाली कराए जाने की स्थानीय प्रषासन व पुनर्वास निदेषालय की कोषिषों से उत्पन्न परिस्थिति की ओर उर्जा मंत्री काध्यान आकृश्ट कराया और साथ ही षहरी व ग्रामीण विस्थापितों की प्रमुख समस्याओं को भी उठाया उर्जा मंत्री ने बताया कि उत्तरांचल सरकार द्वारा केन्द्र को जो भी पैकेज प्रस्तावित किए गए थे उन सभी को स्वीकृत कर दिया गया है, लेकिन टिहरी षहर के भूमिधरों को प्रतिपूर्ति प्रदेष सरकार को अपने संसाधनों से ही देनी होगी । उन्होने यह भी बताया कि षहरी भूमिधरों को भवन निर्माण सहायता के 18 करोड़ रू0 पैकेज के अलावा ग्रामीण विस्थापितों को भी इतनी ही राषि की भवन निर्माण सहायता का पैकेज, ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में जमीन के बदले नकद राषि का 15 करोड़ रूपये का पैकेज, ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों के दुकानदारों के लिए 3 करोड़ 60 लाख रूप्ये का पैकेज तथ बीज खाद हेतु 50 लाख रूप्ये का पैकेज तथा 1976 के बाद जमीन बेचने के कारण पात्रता से वंचित होने के कगार पर पहुंच गए 400 परिवारों की पात्रता कृशि भूमि के लिए 16 करोड़ रूप्ये का पैकेज स्वीकृत हुआ है । इस तरह एक हफते के भीतर ग्रामीण विस्थापितों हेतु 53 करोड़ व षहरी भूमिधर विस्थापितों हेतु 18 करोड़ के पैकेज स्वीकृत कर दिय गए है । विस्थापितों हेतु अब कोई पैकेज केन्दीय सरकार के पास लम्बित नही है ।
जल भराव के कारण टिहरी षहर में उत्पन्न आपात स्थिति की ओर जब प्रति निधि मण्डल ने उर्जा मंत्री का ध्यान आकृश्ट कराया तो उन्होंने उत्तरांचल के मुख्यमंत्री से तत्काल बातचीत की । उर्जा मंत्री ने बजाया कि प्रदेष सरकार ने ऐसे संकेत दिए हैं कि सम्भवः वह अपने संसाधनों से षहरी भूमिधरों के लिए कोई पैकेज तैयार कर रही है । उर्जा मंत्री ने टिहरी जल विकास निगम को भी तत्काल निर्देष दिए कि पुनर्वास हेतु अब तक आंवटित समस्त धन के खर्च का मदवार गांव के अनुसार विस्तृत विवरण प्रस्तुत करें । अनियमितता पाए जाने पर उन्होंने कडी़ कार्यवाही करने की बात कहीं ।
2 प्रतिनिधि मण्डल ने पुनर्वास की कमी व परियोजना में भश्टाचार की ओर उर्जा मंत्री का ध्यान आकृश्ट कराया व 8 सूची गंगापत्र प्रस्तुत किया । उर्जा मंत्रर से वार्ता के तुरंत बाद भूमिधर विस्थापितों का प्रतिनिधि मण्डल पुनर्वास नियुक्त केन्दीय पर्यवेक्षक उप सचिव उर्जा मंत्रालय श्री राजीव षर्मा से भी मिले । श्री षर्मा ने षीध्र ही टिहरी आने का आष्वासन दिया ।

भूमिधर विस्थापितों के प्रतिनिधि मण्डल में षैलेन्द्र नौटियाल जगदम्बा रतूडी महिपाल सिंह नेगी राजेन्द्र असवाल, विमल भाई ’’माटू ’’ षिवनन्द पाण्डे लक्ष्मी नौडियाल, अनुराग पंत, हरीष धिल्डिियाल, पितरेष कवि षामिल हुए ।

इससे पूर्व इसी प्रति मण्डल ने टिहरी जल विकास निगम के प्रबन्ध निदेषक एम0 एल0 गुप्ता से उनके नोएडा स्थित कार्यलय में मुख्यतः विस्थापित बेराजगार को रोजगार उपलब्ध कराये जाने के बारे में बातचीत की । प्रतिनिधि मण्डल ने उनका ध्यान आकृश्ट कराया कि टिहरी जल विकास निगम मे डूब क्षेत्र के विस्थापित बेराजगारों की बजाए बाहरी अभ्यार्थियों की गुपचुप भर्ती की जा रही है । इससे विस्थापित बेराजगारों में गम्भीर रोश है । विगत दिनों लिखित परिक्षा के परिणाम तत्काल घोशित करने व सभी पदों पर डूब क्षेत्र के विस्थापित बेराजगारों को ही नियुक्त दिए जाने की मांग की ।

भमिधर विस्थापितों के प्रतिपूर्ति प्रस्ताव के सन्दर्भ में श्री गुप्ता ने कहा कि इस पर राज्य सरकार ही अपने स्तर से कार्यवाही करेगी ।

इधर आज दोपहर, भूमिधर विस्थापितों के इसी प्रतिनिधि मण्डल ने प्रदेष के मुख्य मंत्री श्री नारायण दत्त तिवाडी़ से भेंट की व उर्जा मंत्री से कल हुयी वार्ता की जानकारी दी । मुख्यमंत्री ने प्रतिनिधि मण्डल को आष्वस्त किया कि प्रदेष सरकार टिहरी के भूमिधारों को न्याय दिलाने हेतु जरूरी कदम उठाएगी । उन्होने टिहरी बांध पर गठित उच्च स्तरीय समिति के समक्ष पुनः अपना प्क्ष रखने व सहमति बनाने की सलाह प्रतिनिधि मण्डल को दी ।

मुख्य मंत्री से मिले प्रतिनिध मण्डल ने भी उपरोक्त विस्थापित प्रतिनिधि षामिल हुए ।

संयोजक संयोजक
माटू संगठन व टिहरी बांध भूमिधर विस्थापित
संगठन, टिहरी
दि0- 31-5-2002

A movement of people uprooted from their soil in Uttrakhand


A movement of people uprooted from their soil in Uttrakhand

Action Alert 13-5-2002--------

For Old Tehri town

Demonstration in Dehradun on 10-5-2002

On 10th of May, 2002 hundreds of old Tehri town oustees were on the way to Uttranchal Assembly, under the banner of TEHRI BHOOMIDHAR VISTHPIT SANGTHANTEHRI BANDH VISTHPIT BEROJGAR MORCHA. People reached Dehradun by buses from old tehri town AND gathered from nearby rehabilitation sites. In very hot summer hilly people were shouted slogan on Hridwar Marg (road) in Dehradun


In Tehri town thousand of people are still waiting of house construction assistance. Monsoon is on head, water level will be high and lower part of town will be under water. And thousands of families did not get educate compensation to built a new house in new tehri town or else where.

  • Govt. of Uttranchal (GOU) had appointed a committed to finalise eviction of old tehri town. This high power committee declared by the Chief minister last month on 7-4-2002, but notification of the said committee issued by the secretary of power ministry on 3-5-2002. In between committee had visited old town, many member of the committee also visited and listened people’s problem but no sign decision. Last week GOU issued one advertisement saying GOU giving a new package to the tehri town oustees, infect this is old package made by old govt. which people already rejected.

  • One final survey has been done by the GOU between 15th to 20th April 2002 to find out rest of the families (for the rehab) and rest of the assets of the oustees. They find more then 800 families are without shelter. This survey was not properly done, people blamed and number of families is bigger then this. GOU commit more then 1660 families in their affidavit filed in Supreme Court. Even then, whatever will be the number, after any survey cost valuation required, and it needs time. After submerge of the town how GOU will evaluate the cost?

Police stopped rally by putting barricade and antiriot vehicles. People wants to give a memorandum to the Chief Minister, they jumped upon the barricade. Women were on the forefront. No women police were in the cops. After 30 minutes women police had come. Police puts every one in there vehicles as arrested them. After an hour State minister attached with C.M. and also the MLA of Tehri, Shri Kishor Upadhyay reached at the demonstration site and listened people. He declare if without fulfilling the peoples demand, water level will be made high by his own Govt., he will be the first person who will get effected. He asked people to give him a place at the lowest level in the city. He assured people that he has already raised the issue with the CM. After this meeting a delegation met with energy secretary Shri Keshav Desiraju and submitted their demands.

  • One memorandum from TEHRI Bhoomidhar Visthapit Sangthan about mainly Tehri town oustees’ demands and implementing Govt. orders,

  • Two from Tehri Bandh Jankalyan Samiti (Tehri Dam oustees welfare committee which is working in Banjarawala, Dehradun) which talked about oustees problem those who have displace more then 15 years

  • And one from MATU regarding rural, has been given to the sec. for CM.

Sec. Of Energy Ministry listened very carefully and feel that a delegation should meet directly with CM. He will also try to do best for this meeting. He feels that CM does not have the ground realty facts.

Demonstration in New Tehri Town on 13-5-2002

More then 200 men and women locked District Magistrate office in New Tehri Town today morning at 10 o’clock. People demanded---------

  1. To open diversion tunnel no. 1 (which Govt. already declare that they had opened that tunnel)
  2. Stoppages of District Hospital till people are in town.
  3. Open the road for old Tehri Town residents.
  4. Continue the water supply.

DM. was not there but S.D.M., who is looking after town rehabilitation work, accepted these demands and assured that this will implement with in a day.
People also win to stoppage of Telegram office in old Tehri town.

Dear friends in this situation we are requesting you to join and support the DHARNA. By reaching old Tehri Town or send solidarity letter. Tehri Bhomidhar Visthapit Sangthan is continuing its Dharna in old Tehri town at INDRIA CHOWK. Every day ten to fifteen man and women took fast against Human rights violation and for justifiable rehabilitation.

Please spend your valuable time and little money to send letter, fax to Shri N.D. Tiwari, Chief Minister of Uttranchal and to Shri Suresh Prabhu, Central Minister of Power. This is the time to put some pressure on the Govt. May be with in some days CM will meet a delegation of oustees.

  • Asking them to give sufficient amount for house construction to the Tehri town oustees. To build a two room set in New Tehri Town. And it is only 5 lakh. /or give them a two room set house. (Where Govt. had spent 47 lakh for D.M.’s house in New Tehri Town.) The region why they are asking this amount because now it is very difficult to build a house in NTT. Send is very costly due to reservoir; one brick cost is now 4.80 Rs. People have to buy send and brick from Rishikesh.

  • One Govt. Order is laying in rehabilitation Department says “Govt. have to build house for oustees”
G.O. Nor. 45514-61201-73, Dated-2-12-1973

  • Where people will go? Water level will be high in coming monsoon. Govt. making their arrangement to shift the people in tin shade at NTT. NTT is facing serious water scarcity. What will happen when number of population will increase 10,000 more? It is better to give shelter in old Tehri town it self. Town has many big building and grounds. In fact GOU is running training camp for new police carder in the said areas.

In Solidarity
(Forgive Grammar mistakes)

Shri N.D. Tiwari, Chief Minister, Secretariat, Dehradun
Ph. 0135-677090,677100 Fax. 0135-678722

Shri Suresh Prabhu,Central Minister of Power, 202, Shram Shakti Bhwan,
Rafi Marg, New Delhi Fax. 3385206 Email-sprabhu@sansad.nic.in

A movement of people uprooted from their soil in Uttrakhand


A movement of people uprooted from their soil in Uttrakhand

Dear friends,
On 10th march workshop on Dam, Displacement and Uttrakhand held in Tehri. More then one thousand women and men attended this workshop. Veteran socialist Shri Surendra Mohanji presided over the workshop. Many prominent people from different parts of Uttrakhand and different walks of life participated in the workshop.

First session:
Welcome and introduction
1. Why Dams?
2. Dam- Environment; Displacement; Cost & benefits; Earthquake

Workshop began songs and poems.
  • Welcome note by Shri Shelandra Nautiyal of Bhumidhar Visthapit Sangthan.
  • Introduction of subject by Vimalbhai.
  • Shri Himanshu Upadhay from Narmada Bachao Andolan talked about cost and benefit and also on Seismic issue of Dams.
  • Well-known environmentalist Shri Sunderlal Bahuguna spoke about overall issue of Dams, water and what is required now.
  • Shri Ravi Hemadri from Bisalpur Bandh Visthapit Samanvay Samiti expressed his views on displacement problem due to dams in Bharat and on the process of World Commission on Dams.
  • Ms. Shivani Bhardwaj, working on housing rights told about the international treaties on housing rights.
  • PUCL Uttrakhand president talked about human rights violation due to Tehri Dam.
  • Prof. Shekhar Pathak spoke on the consequences of Dams in Uttrakhand with reference of Tehri Dam.
This session co-chaired by Adivasi leader of Narmada Bachao Andolan Shri Noorji Bhai Padvi. He was there as a symbol of struggle against Dams.

After Lunch Break………………………

Second session

Dams in Uttrakhand
Public Meeting

Shri Kishore Upadhyay, State minister, M.L.A. from Tehri. Shri Subhodh (M.L.A.) and Shri Bisht (M.L.A.) welcomed by the organizers on behalf of the Tehri people. It was their first visit to tehri.
  • Shri Shelandra Nautiyal gave an overview around Tehri Dam Project.
  • Shri Mahipal Negi known journalist criticises the Govt.’s policies on rehabilitation of Tehri Dam oustees. He raises the issue of landowners of Tehri town.
  • Ms. Kusum Uniyal, women leader warned new Govt. to be responsible towards people’s issue.
  • Vimalbhai raised different questions related to Tehri Dam and Govt.’s claims.
  • State Minister Shri Kishor assured that he will take up the rehabilitation issue with the C.M. of Uttrakhand. He asked for charter of demands.
  • M.L.A. Shri Subodh and Shri Bist also supported people’s issues.
  • In last chairperson Shri Surendra Mohanji emphasised on people’s power and policy for Himalaya. He said Govt. must be clear in there words.
A resolution passed by the workshop and also signed by State minister and two M.L.A.s.
The people have taken a Pledge.

The daylong workshop convene by Vimalbhai and concluded by songs sang by people’s movements representatives.
(Full detail of the workshop will be sent later)

In Solidarity

Tehri: What happened in Supreme Court

Action Alert: 24-1-02

Tehri: What happened in Supreme Court

Today in the Supreme Court, room no. 3 (Justice Patnaik and Bisheshwar Prasad .Singh) has started final hearing of Tehri Dam case, N.D. Jayal & Shekhar Singh Vs. Union of India and others. Justice Patnaik started the proceedings by noting that the Court would take up three aspects of the Tehri Dam issueSafety, Environment and Rehabilitation.

Sinior Advocate Indira Jaisingh and Adv. Sanjay Parikh argued for the petitioners’ side.

Summary of proceeding: --

The Tehri Hydro Development Corporation lawyer Adv. Ranjeet kumar said that the state of Uttaranchal where the Dam was located and which was responsible for the rehabilitation has not been made a Party to the case. Adv. Indra Jaisingh , lawyer for the petitioners observed that the lawyer for the state of Uttaranchal was present in the court. State of Uttaranchal could be made a party if their lawyer consented. With the consent of the concerned lawyer for Uttaranchal, the Court made the state of Uttaranchal party to the case. The State of Uttaranchal was directed to file an affidavit on the three aspects of the Tehri Damsafety, environment and rehabilitation, particularly rehabilitation, explaining the status of these three aspects of the project.

Adv. Indra Jaisingh requested that the Court should direct the Ministry of Environment and Forests of the Government of India to file a reply on all the three aspects of the Tehri Project. . The advocate for the petitioners further requested that the Court should take up the matter soon because submergence had already started in Tehri.

The Court then directed
  1. the MOEF to file a reply on all three aspects of the project.
  2. the State of Uttaranchal to file their affidavit within six weeks.

Court assured the advocate for the petitioners that in any case the final disposal of the case would be over before the monsoon.

In Solidarity