Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Press Note: 30-05-12 Protest against Vishunugad-Pipalkoti HEP: condemned Prof. G.D. Agarwal arrest by Uttarakhand Govt.

 In proposed Vishnugad-Pipalkoti HEP (444MW), on National River Alaknandaganga, Uttarakhand people protested against dam and condemned Prof. G.D. Agarwal arrest  by Uttarakhand Govt.
पुनर्वास असंभव है: बुरे प्रभावों को कब तक छुपाओंगे?
बांध नही स्थायी विकास चाहिये! नदियों को अविरल बहने दो! नदी हमारी कागज तुम्हारा विष्णुगाड-पीपलकोटी जलविद्युत परियोजना में पुनर्वास असंभव है। बुरे प्रभावों को छुपाकर नही रखा जा सकता है। इन नारों के साथ आज बांधकालोनी के सियासेंण पुल में धरना दिया गया। साथ ही श्री जी0 डी0 अग्रवाल की गिरफ्तारी की भी भत्र्सना की गई।

उत्तराखंड के चमोली जिले में अलकनंदागंगा पर प्रस्तावित विष्णुगाड-पीपलकोटी जलविद्युत परियोजना पर्यावरणीय जनसुनवाई के समय से ही विवादो के घेरे में है। 18 अक्तूबर 2006 की जनसुनवाई विस्थापितों को सही जानकारी ना देने के कारण स्थगित हुई थी। बाद में 9 जनवरी को दुबारा भी वही विरोध हुआ पर तत्कालीन उपजिलाधिकारी ने रिर्पोट में सब सही दिखा दिया। माटू जनसंगठन ने पहली बार क्षेत्र में इस बात की जानकारी दी की इसमें विश्व बैंक भी शामिल है। विश्व बैंक ने परियोजना के कागजातों में कमियंा देखकर कुछ नये अध्ययन जरुर करवाये थे। विश्व बैंक ने भी एक वर्ष तक विचार नही किया था इस बांध को कर्ज देने के लिये। बाद मे उसने ठेकेदार लाॅबी को खुश किया और ठेको के सपने दिखाकर विरोध की आवाज़ को दबाने का प्रयास किया। जो आज भी जारी है। किन्तु विश्व बैंक का कर्ज अभी तक बांध कंपनी को नही मिला है।

हमारा विष्णुगाड-पीपलकोटी जल-विद्युत परियोजना से विरोध इसके दीर्घकालीन पर्यावरणीय कुप्रभावों और पुनर्वास की अनिश्चिितता के कारण है। बांध निर्माता कंपनी टिहरी जलविद्युत निगम {टीएचडीसी} का अतीत बहुत बुरा है। हम टिहरी बांध के विस्थापितों की दुर्दशा देख रहे है। यदि उनका पुनर्वास आज तक नही हो पाया तो क्या गारंटी है कि यहंा पर पुनर्वास होगा। सुप्रीम कोर्ट में यदि एन0 डी0 जुयाल एंव शेखर सिंह की याचिका नही होती, जिसमें माटू जनसंगठन के साथी मदद कर रहे है, तो जितना पुनर्वास हुआ है शायद वह भी नही हो पाता। नवम्बर में सुप्रीम कोर्ट के कारण से ही राज्य सरकार को टिहरी बांध विस्थापितों को 102.66 करोड़ रुपये मिले है। वरना तो 2005 में ही टीएचडीसी ने पूर्ण पुनर्वास घोषित कर दिया था। टिहरी बांध में आजतक जलाशय पूर्ण पुनर्वास ना होने के कारण नही भरा गया है।

यहंा भी वैसी ही स्थिति है। पिछले 8 सालांे से हम विष्णुगाड-पीपलकोटी जल-विद्युत परियोजना के बुरे प्रभावो को झेल रहे है। हमने बहुत सारे पत्र भी लिखे। 15 मार्च, 2012 को तत्कालीन जिलाधिकारी महोदय हमारे गांव आये थे। उन्हे हमनें बांध के कारण हुयें नुकसानों जैसे मकानों की दरारंे व पानी के सूखे स्तोत्र दिखाये थे। हमे उम्मीद बनी थी की वो हमारी समस्या का हल करेगें। किन्तु सारी बात बांध कंपनी ने घुमा दी। जो चर्चा भी नही हुई थी वो 15 मार्च, 2012 की बैठक की रिर्पोट में लिखी गई। इसमें यह भी साफ लिखा है कि आपदा प्रभावितों के लिये भी जमीन नही है तो बांध विस्थापितों को जमीन नही दी जा सकती। 28 मार्च को तत्कालीन जिलाधिकारी ने टीएचडीसी को पत्र में लिखा है कि वैकल्पिक टनल के डिफ्ट के लिये व्यवधान उत्पन्न करने वालोे पर वैधानिक कार्यवाही की जाये। आश्र्चय है कि तत्कालीन जिलाधिकारी जी बांध कंपनी को ऐसा लिखकर दे रहे है। पर हमारे नुकसान की भरपाई 8 वर्षो से ना करने के बारे में टीएचडीसी पर कोई कार्यवाही नही? प्रशासन को तो स्थानीय लोगो की मदद करनी ही चाहिये। ऐसा क्यों नही हो रहा? यह गंभीर विषय है।
हमने बांधों के बुरे प्रभाव इसी जिले में बन रही परियोजनाओं में देखे है। हम अपनी अलकनंदागंगा को स्वतंत्र देखना चाहते है। जिसके लिये हमारी भरसक कोशिश रहेगी। इसीलिये बांध कंपनी हमारे नुकसानों की भरपाई नही कर रही है। इस तरह दवाब बनाकर वो चाहते है कि हम बांध के लिये रजामंदी दे। जिसके लिये हम तैयार नही है।

धरना देने के बाद गोपेश्वर मे जिला कार्यालय जाकर जिलाधिकारी महोदय को ज्ञापन दिया व चर्चा की। ज्ञापन में मांग की गई हैः-

  • हमारे आजतक के हुये नुकसानों की भरपाई टीएचडीसी द्वारा की जाये।
  • यदि टीएचडीसी व सरकार हमारे विरोध के बाद बांध बनाती भी है तो टनल का अलाईमेन्ट बदला जाये।
  • टीएचडीसी व सरकार इस बात की लिखित गांरटी दे कि परियोजना  से हमारे जीवन व आजीविका पर किसी भी तरह की धूल, विस्फोटो के कंपन, जलस्त्रोतांे का सूखना जैसे असर नही पड़ेगे।

जो बांध कंपनी थोड़ा सा मुआवजा तक नही दे सकती वो विस्थापितों को पुनर्वास क्या देगी? यह बांध समर्थकों को भी याद रखना चाहिये कि यदि बांध बनता है तो टिहरी बांध विस्थापितों की कहानी फिर यहंा दोहराई जायेगी। इसलिये बड़े बांध रुकने ही चाहिये।

नरेन्द्र पोखरियाल                  हर्ष तडियाल                         विमलभाई

Affected Chamoli villagers demand compensation

Residents of various villages in Chamoli district affected by the construction of the Vishnugad-Pipalkoti hydro electric project have demanded that the Tehri Hydro Development Corporation (THDC) provide a written guarantee to the Government to the effect that dust, tremors caused by detonations and drying up of water resources due to work on the project will not affect their lives and livelihood. 

Staging a protest demonstration near Siyasain Bridge in Chamoli, the affected villagers demanded that the THDC should compensate them for the damage they have suffered till date due to the project. If the company and State Government construct the dam ignoring the strong opposition of locals, the alignment of the tunnel should be changed. The villagers also condemned the treatment being meted out by the Government to Swami Gyan Swaroop Sanand who is agitating against large dams on the Ganga and its tributaries. The proposed Vishnugad-Pipalkoti HEP on Alaknanda River has been mired in controversy and elicited strong opposition of the locals since the first environmental public hearing. The villagers allege that the company has continued to conceal relevant information from them which is also one of the reasons why the World Bank has not yet funded the project. The villagers are opposing the project due to the long term environmental damage and uncertainty regarding the rehabilitation of the affected villagers.
“The THDC has a very bad track record. We have seen the anomalies in rehabilitation of those affected by construction of the Tehri Dam. Those affected by construction of the Tehri dam have not yet been fully rehabilitated so we doubt if we will be rehabilitated properly. We have been experiencing the negative repercussions of the Vishnugad-Pipalkoti project for the past eight years and have written several letters to the authorities and approached ministers and bureaucrats repeatedly. However, our grievances have been consistently ignored by the authorities who have continued to favour the interests of the company in stead of ensuring the welfare of the affected people,” said the protesting villagers.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

प्रैस नोट : 24-05-12 पिंडरगंगा पर बांध नही (given below english news)

भू-स्वामी संघर्ष समिति व माटू जनसंगठन

पिंडरगंगा को अविरल बहने दो

पिंडर को अविरल बहने दो - हमें सुरक्षित रहने दो, बांध कंपनी वापिस जाओ आदि नारांे के साथ देवाल ब्लॅाक में पिंडर घाटी से आये लोगो ने जुलुस निकाल कर बांध के विरोध में प्रदर्शन किया। देवाल ब्लॅाक में प्रदर्शन के बाद लोगो ने बांध का पुतला फंूका।

भू-स्वामी संघर्ष समिति और माटू जनसंगठन के बैनर तले, पिंडर गंगा के पंचप्रयाग के निकट देवाल के प्राचीन शिवमंदिर में गांवो से प्रातिनिधिक रुप में आये लोगो ने बैठक की जिसमें बांध विरोध की लड़ाई को तेज करने का निणर्य लिया गया।

उत्तराखंड के चमोली जिले में पिडंर नदी पर प्रस्तावित देवसारी जल-विद्युत परियोजना का शुरु से ही विरोध हो रहा है। देवाल को बचाने का भ्रम डालकर, परियोजना का बांध 90 मीटर से 35 मीटर करने का प्रचार किया गया। किन्तु इस बात को छुपाने की भी कोशिश की गई की परियोजना हेतु जो सुरंग पहले 7 किलोमीटर थी अब वो 18 किलोमीटर कर दी गई है। यह क्षेत्र भूकंपग्रस्त है और यहंा के गांवो में भूस्खलनों का सैकड़ों सालो का इतिहास रहा है। बांध की सुरंगे इन्ही गांवो के नीचे बन रही है। सरकार जिस नंदादेवी राजरात यात्रा को दूसरी कुभ्ंा मानती है। वह प्राचीन पवित्र यात्रा मार्ग भी इन्ही गांवों से होकर जाता है। 13 अक्तूबर 2009 व 22 जुलाई 2010 को आयोजित जनसुनवाईयों में लोगो का पूरा विरोध रहा। इसी कारण से 20 जनवरी 2011 को बांध कंपनी ने बैरिकेट लगाकर, जनता को दूर रखकर जनसुनवाई का नाटक पूरा किया। पिंडर की जनता के इस अपमान का यहंा पूरा विरोध धरने, रैली, प्रदर्शनों के रुप में लगातार चल रहा है। 3 अप्रैल 2011 को देश के विज्ञजनों के सामने हुई लोक की ‘‘जनसुनवाई’’ में पिंडर की जनता का पूरा विरोध सामने खुलकर प्रदर्शित हुआ है।

सरकार को लगातार पत्र भी भेजे गये है। विभिन्न समय पर भू-स्वामी संघर्ष समिति और माटू जनसंगठन के प्रतिनिधि मिले भी है। पिंडरगंगा घाटी में जहंा जनता बांध के विरोध में है वहीं बांध कंपनी हर तरह के हथकण्डे अपना कर बांध को आगे धकेलने का प्रयास कर रहे है।

15 मई, 2012 को पूर्ण डूब के गांव शोडिंग में जहंा सुरंग के लिये खुदाई शुरु की जा रही थी। वहंा एक कालू नाम का नेपाली मजदूर दबकर मारा गया। इसकी कोई जांच या पुलिस कार्यवाही नही हुई। वास्तव में प्रशासन को स्वंय इस पर संज्ञान लेना चाहिये था। जबकि ग्रामीणों के बांध का काम विरोध को दबाने के लिये स्वंय उपजिलाधिकारी श्रीमान नेगी दो दिन पहले आकर गये थे। थराली गांव में भी पुलिस का भय दिखाकर काम चालू कराने की कोशिशंे हो रही है।

रैली को संबोधित करते हुये मदन मिश्रा ने कहा की सरकार छोटी परियोजनाओं पर ध्यान ही नही दे रही है। स्थिति यह है कि चमोली जिले में ही उदाहरण के लिये 400 किलोवाट की थराली, 800 किलोवाट की कोठियाल सैंण, 750 किलोवाट की गोविंदघाट व 800 किलोवाट की तवोवन जलविद्युत परियोजनाये बंद है। असल में मामला भ्रष्टाचार से भी जुड़ा है। उन्होने शोडिग गांव में मारे गये मजदूर की मृत्यु की जांच की मांग की। 

महिपत सिंह कठैत ने कहा की पूरी घाटी बांध का विरोध कर रही है। जबरदस्ती बांध बनाने का विरोध किया जायेगा। हम बंाधों की भयानकता से घाटी को बचाने के लिये संघर्ष कर रहे है।

दिनेश मिश्रा ने कहा की पिंडरगंगा घाटी एक आध्यात्मिक नदी है। यह प्रमुख बात है कि राष्ट्रीय नदी गंगा की सहायक नदियों में पिडंरगंगा ही एक मात्र ऐसी नदी है जो अभी तक बांधी नही है।

रैली को बलवंत आगरी, जीवन मिश्रा, उमेश, शोभन सिंह, खत्री मुन्नी देवी, गीता देवी, दीपा देवी ने भी संबोधित किया। अपने संबोधन में वक्ताओं ने कहा कि एक तरफ उत्तराखंड सरकार जनता की मांग कह कर केन्द्र सरकार से बांधो को खोलने की मांग कर रही है। तो वो बांध बद करने के लिये पिंडरगंगा घाटी की जनता की मांग क्यो नही सुनती? 

हमने तय किया है कि पिंडरगंगा व स्थानीय जनता की सुरक्षा और स्थायी विकास के लिये हमारा संघर्ष जारी रहेगा।


Valley residents protest against dam construction

Residents of the Pindar valley have decided to intensify their agitation against the construction of Devsari project on the Pindar River which is the only tributary of the Ganga River which has not been dammed yet.
The decision was taken at a meeting of village representatives organised at Deval in Chamoli district by the Bhu-Swami Sangharsh Samiti and Matu Jansangathan. The villagers also took out a rally in the protest and burnt the pictures of the dam
The locals have been opposing the proposed Devsari hydropower project on Pindar River in Chamoli district since the project began. The villagers complained that the Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Limited tried to misinform the locals by stating that the height of the dam would be decreased from 90 metres to 35 metres to save Deval while at the same time concealing the fact that the length of the project tunnel has been increased from 7 km to 18 km. This region is seismically sensitive and there is a history of landslides damaging villages in this region.
The project tunnels are being dug under these very villages which fall on the route of the historically and culturally important Nanda Devi Raj Jat Yatra which the Government is publicising as the ‘second Kumbh’. The strong local opposition to the project has been demonstrated during the public hearings held for this project.
Activists and locals have repeatedly submitted letters to the Government and also met the Government officials and ministers on several occasions. While the residents of the Pindar valley remain opposed to construction of the dam, the company constructing it, is trying by hook or crook to develop the dam, alleged villagers.
On May 15, a local labourer working on tunnel excavation died after being buried in the debris but the death has neither been investigated nor has any action been taken by the police. The villagers have decided to intensify their agitation against the dam which they have opposed since the beginning.

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Press Note:  18-05-2012

Govt. of India must fill the vacant posts in NGT
before 15th September, 2012
“NGT functions impact entire country, from North to South and East to West”.

Ref: Case in Supreme Court of India: - Union of India vs. Vimal Bhai & others
AdvocatesSanjay Parikh, Ritwick Dutta, Rahul Choudhary, Anitha Shenoy are appearing before theSupreme Court on behalf of Vimal Bhai & others.

On 03/05/2012, in the case of Union of India vs. Vimal Bhai & others, Hon'ble Mr. Justice G.S. Singvi and Hon'ble Mr. Justice Sudhansu Jyoti Mukhopadhaya directed the UOI to fill the vacant posts of Judicial and Expert members in the National Green Tribunal (NGT).

The hearing went on for three days.
On the second day, the court summoned the Secretary (Ministry of Environment and Forests). On the third day, i.e., 5th May 2012, he (Secretary) was present in the Court. Solicitor General informed the court that six Expert Members and four Judicial Members will be appointed by 31.10.2012. But the court was not satisfied. 

The Court was annoyed that many members of political parties, public representatives, Government officers and others were retaining their government houses, even after the expiry of the tenure of lease or retirement from service.

Justice G.S. Singvi said in the court and also wrote in the order too that the National Green Tribunal is an important statutory Tribunal, the functions of which are going to impact the entire country from North to South and East to West.

Counsel of the respondent Shri Sanjay Parikh, submitted that the members of the National Green Tribunal may be given suitable accommodation and the concerned Ministry be directed to issue necessary allotment letters and if the suitable accommodation is not available, then the members may be given the House Rent Allowance at par with the members of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Appellate Tribunal.

Hon'ble Supreme Court issues directions: (as mentioned in the order)

  1. The process for appointment of the Chairperson of the Tribunal must be completed in all respects by 15.09.2012 and appointment be made on or before that date.

  2. Six Expert Members and four Judicial Members shall also be appointed on or before 15.09.2012.

 3. Within seven days from receipt of a copy of this order, the Registrar General of the Delhi High Court shall put up the request sent by the National Green Tribunal for deputing an officer of the Superior Judicial Service to function as Registrar of the Tribunal before the Chief Justice.
The High Court is requested to spare the services of a suitable officer, keeping in view the provisions of the National Green Tribunal Rules, for working as Registrar on deputation for a minimum period of one year. It is expected thatnecessary action in this regard will be taken within 15 days of the receipt of copy of this order.

4. The Acting Chairperson of the National Green Tribunal shall issue directions for initiation of the process for recruitment of staff for filling up the 95 vacantposts. However, the appointment orders be issued only after the Chairperson takes over.

5. The Ministry of Urban Development and Housing, Government of India, shall, within a period of eight weeks from today, furnish a complete list of the houses/flats and other accommodations being kept by political parties, public representatives, Government officers and others after expiry of the tenure  of lease or retirement from service, as the case may be.

6. After the Faridkot House is vacated by the National Human Rights Commission, the same shall be allotted and possession thereof be handed over to the National Green Tribunal. The Ministry of Urban Development and Housing shall issue an order to this effect within a period of 15 days from the date of receipt of a copy of this order.   
The Secretary, Ministry of Environment shall forward a copy of this order to the Ministry of Urban Development and Housing for the purpose of taking necessary action.

7. If any portion of Faridkot House is proposed to be or has been allotted to any other organization,  the Ministry of Urban Development  and Housing shallwithdraw the communication and allot alternative space to the concerned organization, as soon as possible.

8. If suitable accommodation is available for allotment to the members of the National Green Tribunal, then the Ministry of Urban Development and Housing, Government of India shall issue necessary order for allotment of said accommodation.

Court also expected that various Ministries of the Government of India will coordinate with each other and ensure that the directions contained in this order are implemented without delay.

To speed up the process court has directed the Registry to fax the order to concerned ministries and also to Delhi High court. Matter will be listed on 11.07.2012.

(Who was present in the Court)

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Monitor National River Ganga

Mr. T. Chatterjee
Ministry of Environment and Forest
Environment Bhavan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road
New Delhi 110003

Ref: 1) Violation of EC in Tehri Dam Project. 2) National River Ganga health in danger.
1) & 2) Need for immediate monitoring by MoEF

Dear Sir,

First, we will describe the nature of issues that prompt our appeal for monitoring Hydroelectric Power Projects in National Ganga Valley Basin.

  1. Issues related to the Tehri Dam Project.
  2. Environmental issues related to other projects on the National River Ganga, who’s health is in danger.

1. Issues related to the Tehri Dam Project.

Environment Clearance (EC) granted on 19-09-1990.
The Tehri Hydroelectric Project covers three HEP, namely Tehri Dam HEP (1,000 MW), Pump Storage Plant (1,000 MW), and Koteshwer HEP (400MW). Two out of three, the Tehri and Koteshwer HEPs are working.
(Back ground on Tehri Dam given below on third page)

Finally, the garbage in the Tehri Dam reservoir has become unbearable for people living around it, as it pollutes the water even more and makes it untouchable for people living around the reservoir.

Information sought out by an RTI this year, shows that the MoEF does not even have a copies of the Command Area Development plan. This negligence is an indication for what the ground realities must be in the Command Area.

Several reports from the Geological survey of India state that the rim area of the Tehri Dam reservoir is in a vulnerable condition. Nearly 80 villages around the rim face land slide problems due to the Tehri dam reservoir, and yet THDC, the dam company is not willing to take the responsibility for this. A glaring example of this is the condition of homes on the sliding land, such as the 32 houses which have collapsed in and around village Madan Negi, which is situated at the rim of the reservoir. This phenomenon of land sliding started after the reservoir was filled in 2010. Work for the stability of the rim area has not been completed. Nearly 30 people and 60 animals have died in the reservior.

Oustees of Koteshwer Dam, the 3rd phase of the Tehri Dam Project are also facing the same problems. It is important to point out that the diversion tunnel of Koteshwer Dam has collapsed and electricity production was discontinued for nearly two months between 2010 to 2011. Despite this, work on the Koteshwer Dam has been completed very quickly, which raises a question about the quality of the work being done.

Recently in November 2011, the Koteshwer Dam wall was found to be leaking. The downstream area of the Bhagirathi Ganga River is being used as a dumping ground for muck extracted from the building of the Koteshwer Dam.

2. Environment issues related to other HEPs on the National River Ganga, who’s health is in danger.

The condition of Rivers today has become frightening. Due to HEPs, rivers are already in danger. Rivers do not flow freely anymore, as most of the rivers are either in the tunnels, or in reservoirs. Due to HEPs, rivers have become dumping areas of muck and garbage. One reason for this is also that HEP companies are dumping waste directly into Rivers, which is happening in complete disregard of their Environment Clearances (EC).
There is no monitoring of the water quantity of rivers once the river is diverted into tunnels for run-off the river HEPs or downstream of the reservoir HEPs.
Widening of roads by the Border Road Organisation and others, results in the excavation of mountains, and generation of earth which is also putt directly in the river without concern for environment rules.
A series of accidents have been listed for when the water from Maneri Bhali Phase-I and II is released. Sudden release of water has led to the death of people downstream. Muck released from the abandoned Loharinag Pala HEP choked Maneri Bhali-I.
The dam authority, UJVN Ltd. did not know that the reservoir of Maneri Bhali-II will submerge additional areas around it (parts of Ganshu and Jodhiyada) before it commissioned the HEP. Even retaining walls were not made until people agitated, but once the reservoir was filled, the retaining wall collapsed at many places.
Attached are some pictures and you-tube links that explain the situation.

We hope and demand from you:-

Maneri Bhali I and II:

  • There is need to urgently get the environment flow requirements of Bhagirathi downstream from MB I and MB II, through building block method. In the meantime, the recommendations of the WII and IIT Roorkee about environment flows from these projects, given in the Ganga basin report that MEF commissioned needs to URGNETLY implemented. Today the river is completely dry downstream of these projects in non monsoon months.

Tehri Dam Project
  • Immediately send an independent credible Team to assess the situation of the Tehri Dam Procject, the team must include a representative from our team as well. People must be able to easily access this Team.
  • Transfer the forest land to the oustees and change it’s land use purpose, so that Tehri Dam oustees are truly given rights to rehabilitation land.

About other HEPs on National River Ganga
  • Take serious action on the violations pointed out by this above communication and restore the health of rivers.
  • Take action to make sure that companies building HEPs and other projects take the liability for them.
  • Evolve and implement a permanent monitoring mechanism at your end involving the local people, so that monitoring is not dependent on reports furnished by the involved HEPs. (Please note that this is a mandatory legal requirement in the all HEP's ECs) and such a mechanism ensures that in the future, HEPs do not take advantage of a lack of monitoring by making rivers a dumping area for muck and other garbage.


Puran Singh Rana

Back ground on Tehri Dam

Rural resettlement is another issue which is inadequately addressed by R/R policies, as displaced people do not have access to education facilities, health, fuel, rations, roads, markets, electricity, drinking water, or water for irrigation. The situation of the R/R site is thus unsatisfactory. It is also important to mention here that more than 50% of the oustees dont have rights to land because the MoEF has not changed the land use criteria for the land they have given to Tehri dam oustees, since it remains declared ‘forest land'. Approximately 20% of the R/R land meant for cultivation is either not irrigated, full of stones and sand, or it is uneven. Approximately 30% of the given land is either near the forest or in the forest area, forest animals encroach on peoples cultivated land and damage produce.

Since March, 2004 the MOEF has done no monitoring of Tehri Dam project. The environment around the reservoir is in a bad condition. Following a case filed by N.D. Jayal, Shekhar Singh VS. GOI and another, a recent Supreme Court order from the 3rd of November 2011, states that THDC give Rs. 102.6 Crore to fulfil R/R requirements for those displaced by upto 825 meters of the Tehri Dam reservoir level. Additionally, the court denied permission to fill reservoir in its entireity, as the rehabilitation of oustees remains incomplete. Here, we are not referring to the rehabilitation of people by a reservoir level of 825 meters, but for those displaced by much lower reservoir levels as well. Furthermore, it is important to inform you that according to para no. 3.2 of the E.C, the Master Plan for the population being affected by the Tehri Dam Project and those living on the rim of the reservoir was supposed to be be prepared before 31.3.1991. Since this Master Plan was never made oustees are still suffering.

Some other issues are of access. First, in what is a pathetic state of affairs, one urban resettlement site, 'New Tehri Town,' does not have access to clean drinking water or other civic amenities. Second, people living across the Bhagirathiganga river face enormous difficulty due to a lack of connectivity with larger townships. Apart from finding it difficult to get to people who are on the other side of the river due to a lack of roads, these people lack access to their basic services such as health, education, fuel, and rations etc.